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Motocycle Club
Indian Motocycles - you can't wear them out                                  Indian Motocycles - built to last
8th Flimwell Rally 2009


We were blessed with fantastic weather which seems to be the norm for our autumn meeting.
Forty two members came and I would like to thank Graham Jeffery who travelled the furthest all the way from Northumberland also Barry & Sue from Stafford, Tim and Ron from Bournemouth.
Everyone enjoyed themselves and there were no mishaps on the ride out which was organised by Fred Woodgates with help from Phil Clarke and Bootsie.
Indian Paramedic Pete’s valuable services were not required this time.

Phil and Bootsie also took care of the Fish and Chips and renegotiated a better price for us.
Dave Osborne and Lorna were in charge of the raffle; they also donated many of the prizes and collected £84 for club funds. Thanks to everyone who donated prizes.

We have to thank Chris Rix for providing a car trailer load of logs which kept the bonfire going from Friday until Sunday morning.
Pat and Nobby Melrose, Su Woodgates, Linda Jeffery and Alan Gould all helped with making the rally the success it was.
While we were gathered round the bonfire we even managed a discussion chaired by Fred Woodgates on the Isle of Man 2011 Celebration. Plans are in motion and will be included in forthcoming magazines.

This year T&J Motel where we hold our rally negotiated a price for us to use their grounds, the cost of the rally was only £20 which included the camping and all the food but when I came to pay the camping costs they dropped the price by a futher pound each which was very generous of them. After all costs were paid we made a profit of £130
Which I think was pretty good.


Sybil DeBidaph        

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Indian Motocycles - you can't wear them out                                  Indian Motocycles - built to last  
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